Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
(too old to reply)
2006-12-01 21:18:38 UTC
That was a question to you. As far as you proving me wrong, you have never done
It's VERY easy to prove you wrong, Earl.........
2006-12-02 00:37:15 UTC
Xref: sn-us alt.religion.christian.baptist:917861 alt.religion:298517 alt.religion.christianity:355083
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Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
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If you choose to reject Mary, the highly favored of God, as being a
of a sinless soul because God removed her sins at her conception, then so
be it.
That's your disbelief to live with. You protest_ants that demand that
is definitely false unless it is spelled out in no uncertain English terms
only demonstrating your lack of faith in God.
God inspired men to write the old and new testaments. It would seem
something so important as a woman remaining a virgin while married and being
without sin would be worth a mention. It's not there.
A lot was done that never found it's way into the written word. John 21:25.
Where we Roman Catholics look to say "yes" to everything we can regarding
God, you protest_ants look to say "no" to as much as you can.
No, you say "yes" to everything that supports your church worshipping a
woman who was to be remembered but not worshipped.
Yet we don't worship a woman, so that leaves you typically out in the cold.
God gave us 7 sacraments, the Mass. We RCs say "yes" to everything possible
from God. You baptists say "no" to as much as you can unless spelled out in
plain English.
Thank God for leading me to his Chruch, the Roman Catholic Church.
You can't hide from her being all favored by God.
She was favored. That doesn't mean she was without sin or entitled to the
titles you all have given her.
Which one? Scripture says she is Mother of the Lord.
No, she gave birth to Jesus Christ. Since God has always been, and since God
created Mary, she can't be His mother.
Mother of my/the Lord. Luke 1:43.
Scripture says she is
Queen of Heaven. Scripture says she is highly favored by God, his mother.
Scripture says nothing about her having any other children.
Scripture says Jesus had brothers and sisters. Scripture does not say Joseph
was married before, or had children before Mary. The evidence indicates
Joseph and Mary had children after Jesus.
Just like the evidence clearly indicates that Mary is Queen of Heaven.
So which part of scripture do you wish to reject?
None. And unlike you, I don't add to it either.
We RC's don't add to it. We just don't reject scripture like you baptists.
Hahahaha. Yeah, a Catholic propaganda site.
Can you give me something a little less biased?
Well, I guess that's why you're a baptist. You don't believe anything unless
it's in the bible and totally clear in English. So what's it like to say "no"
to God given even the smallest chance. It's especially critical for the
salvation of your soul in rejection of confession.
Thank God I don't see him as you do.
I am not John, and John is not me. If one of your catholic friends calls
African American a "nigger" should I blame you because it's "you" people?
You're falling off the deep end, mike.
Excuse me? You accused me of saying something I didn't, then claimed even if
jw did say it, which he did, I still said it because "you people" make the
statement. It's not at all accurate.
You're sick in the head.
Kindly keep your papacy CRAP out of the Christian 'froups, Earl Weber.
2006-12-02 00:40:25 UTC
On 1 Dec 2006 14:23:15 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
Xref: sn-us alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic:1369879 alt.religion.christian.baptist:917878
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Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic,alt.religion.christian.baptist
Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
Date: 1 Dec 2006 14:23:15 -0800
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Hey, scripture is very clear. NOthing about the sexual life of Mary and Joseph,
except that before the birth of Jesus, they had NO sexual relations.
More lies.
Mat 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn
son: and he called his name JESUS.
If this were true, there would be some mighty odd things that it would
imply. In fact, if the use of the word "til" means what you think it
means then Jesus will not reign forever.
1 Corinthians 15:25 says, "Christ must reign UNTIL God has put all
enemies under his feet." This cannot be since Luke 1:32-33 tells us
that Christ will reign forever.
you can't have it both ways)
Obviously the use of the word "til" or "until" cannot mean what you
think it means.
But what else would one expect from someone who has also referred to
Bible verses as "putrid garbage" when they didn't agree with her
insistant delcarations as her own pope.
THEREFORE, they HAD normal sexual relations, and it is also they
produced other offspring.
Mat 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called
Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
Just proof you pick and choose what you want to believe instead of
understanding it when put all together.
In Matthew 27:56 we learn that the same James and Joseph (two of the
four "brothers" of Jesus mentioned in Mark 6) are actually the sons of
"another" Mary. This "other" Mary was not the mother of Jesus, but the
wife of Clopas (John 19:25).
Too bad you don't understand the Church compilation you lay claim to
(a.k.a. Bible).
Please leave you fecal heresies where they belong, Your Holiness, and
stop trespassing.
Kindly leave the romanist trash OUT of the Christian groups, son.
2006-12-02 00:42:21 UTC
You're drawing conclusions not reflected in scripture, mike.
Oh? Do tell. This coming from a man who can see in Scripture that Jesus had
brothers and sisters but wishes to ignore that and claim she remained a
You don't know what a virgin is, do you?
Obviously you romanists don't, Earl.

As soon as the baby passes through the vaginal canal, the mother is
certainly not a virgin.

Get a good book on anatomy and physiology and do some serious study,
kiddo. You've been brainwashed long enough.
The Rock Is Peter
2006-12-02 16:14:28 UTC
Post by N***@no.spam
You're drawing conclusions not reflected in scripture, mike.
Oh? Do tell. This coming from a man who can see in Scripture that Jesus had
brothers and sisters but wishes to ignore that and claim she remained a
You don't know what a virgin is, do you?
Obviously you romanists don't, Earl.
As soon as the baby passes through the vaginal canal, the mother is
certainly not a virgin.
Get a good book on anatomy and physiology and do some serious study,
kiddo. You've been brainwashed long enough.
Get a brain (never mind, you've never bothered after all this time).
That has nothing to do with what a virgin is.
Otherwise, why would Webster's define it as follows?...

1 a : an unmarried woman devoted to religion b capitalized : VIRGO
2 a : an absolutely chaste young woman b : an unmarried girl or woman
3 capitalized : VIRGIN MARY
4 a : a person who has not had sexual intercourse b : a person who is
inexperienced in a usually specified sphere of activity <a virgin in
5 : a female animal that has never copulated

But I imagine Pope Doc will proclaim Webster's wrong to fit what she
decides is true bases on the heresies taught to her.
2006-12-02 21:54:53 UTC
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
<TheRockIs-NOT-***@jesusanswers.com> wrote:

Like I said, idiot:
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Mike Dundee
2006-12-02 22:30:42 UTC
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Although I wouldn't refer to him as an idiot, you are correct in that he is
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 05:22:56 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Although I wouldn't refer to him as an idiot, you are correct in that he is
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
• Perpetual virginity is important because sexual shame and guilt is
cultivated to encourage attendance at the locations where the organization
conducts its salvation business.
2006-12-03 13:39:48 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Mike Dundee
2006-12-03 13:41:30 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
2006-12-03 15:56:22 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
His problem is, he cannot ............ no such verse exists.

But watch him try to weasel out of this by saying 'not EVERYTHING was
recorded in the Bible --------- !!! :o)
2006-12-03 22:12:40 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Mike Dundee
2006-12-03 22:57:10 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not

I may have a sore stomach from laughing so hard. How ironic!
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 23:26:33 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
• That our creator has a mother is a story.
2006-12-04 11:45:51 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
• That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status is truth.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 14:26:33 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status is truth.
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.

And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
•R L Measures
2006-12-04 15:28:36 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status is truth.
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.

Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 16:27:54 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 00:55:39 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
** How was it that Jesus was the student at a 40-day seminar in the
Negev put on by himself?
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 16:27:54 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 16:27:54 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 19:22:48 UTC
Sorry about that.
My news server is having issues this morning. Triple post.
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS
perfect God.
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 00:57:17 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by •R L Measures
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
why double post?
Mike Dundee
2006-12-05 01:28:53 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by •R L Measures
** Valid point, Mike. The early Christian church sorely needed some kind
of magical mystery ritual in order to attract people to come to the
locations where they proffered assistance in receiving divine forgiveness.
The problem was getting around the teaching of the rabbi who supposedly
started the church since he taught that forgiving others (within reason)
brought about divine forgiveness -- i. e., attending church was optional,
not virtually mandatory. Since Jesus was not perfect and the needed
doctrinal patch required a perfect sacrifice, Jesus was promoted to
perfect God at Nicaea in 325.
Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus was God in the flesh, He was (and
is) perfect. So, He wasn't "promoted" to perfect God, he was and IS perfect
why double post?
Actually triple. My news server was batty this morning.
2006-12-04 20:09:20 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
. That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status is truth.
And since God created the creature, the vessel that carried the Christ
child, she can't be the mother of God.
Scripture says she is. Luke 1:43.
Post by Mike Dundee
And again, God has always been. Humans were created. One can't be the parent
to the one who created us.
Aw, poor, poor rl - argue all you want, but you can't change scripture.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-04 20:10:18 UTC
On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 14:26:33 GMT, "Mike Dundee" <***@nunya.com> wrote:

Oh, noooooo, I called you rl.

Sorry about that, rl.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-04 14:58:48 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
Do tell. Show us where please.
Don't have to. You're the one making up stories about the Mother of God, not
• That our creator has a mother is a story.
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status is truth.
• Jesus allegedly become God after some supposedly "holy" men
posthumously promoted him some 300 or so years after after he attended
God's 40-day seminar in the Negev.

"If you understand it, it is not God."
- - Saint Augustine (354 - 430), Sermon 117
2006-12-04 20:12:20 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
is truth.
• Jesus allegedly become God after some supposedly "holy" men
posthumously promoted him some 300 or so years after after he attended
God's 40-day seminar in the Negev.
Yeah, sure, rl. "Supposedly" and "allegedly" sure doesn't make your statement
very believable a-tall.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 01:35:06 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
is truth.
• Jesus allegedly become God after some supposedly "holy" men
posthumously promoted him some 300 or so years after after he attended
God's 40-day seminar in the Negev.
Yeah, sure, rl. "Supposedly" and "allegedly" sure doesn't make your statement
very believable a-tall.
• Duke -- Was there a 40-day seminar in the Judaean desert ?
2006-12-05 11:46:38 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
is truth.
• Jesus allegedly become God after some supposedly "holy" men
posthumously promoted him some 300 or so years after after he attended
God's 40-day seminar in the Negev.
Yeah, sure, rl. "Supposedly" and "allegedly" sure doesn't make your statement
very believable a-tall.
• Duke -- Was there a 40-day seminar in the Judaean desert ?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:25:24 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
That our "God become man" had a human mother to him "fully man" status
is truth.
• Jesus allegedly become God after some supposedly "holy" men
posthumously promoted him some 300 or so years after after he attended
God's 40-day seminar in the Negev.
Yeah, sure, rl. "Supposedly" and "allegedly" sure doesn't make your statement
very believable a-tall.
• Duke -- Was there a 40-day seminar in the Judaean desert ?
• Who taught it?
2006-12-05 18:36:07 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Yeah, sure, rl. "Supposedly" and "allegedly" sure doesn't make your
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
very believable a-tall.
• Duke -- Was there a 40-day seminar in the Judaean desert ?
• Who taught it?
Why, that would be God.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 14:10:42 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
2006-12-03 15:57:36 UTC
Xref: sn-us alt.local.village.idiot:3593 alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic:1370398 alt.religion.christian.baptist:918294
Path: sn-us!sn-feed-sjc-03!sn-post-sjc-01!supernews.com!corp.supernews.com!NewsWatcher!user
Newsgroups: alt.local.village.idiot,alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic,alt.religion.christian.baptist
Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 06:10:42 -0800
Organization: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.com
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X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAA! Talk about an insane statement.
2006-12-03 22:13:43 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
How did the one true Chruch restore her virginity?

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-03 22:25:18 UTC
Xref: sn-us alt.local.village.idiot:3603 alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic:1370503 alt.religion.christian.baptist:918430
Path: sn-us!sn-feed-sjc-02!sn-us!sn-feed-sjc-03!sn-xt-sjc-11!sn-xt-sjc-09!sn-xt-sjc-14!supernews.com!newsfeed.news2me.com!newsfeed.icl.net!newsfeed.fjserv.net!colt.net!feeder.news-service.com!news.astraweb.com!newsrouter-eu.astraweb.com!hwmnpeer01.ams!hwmnpeer01.lga!news.highwinds-media.com!hw-filter.lga!newsfe17.lga.POSTED!53ab2750!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: alt.local.village.idiot,alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic,alt.religion.christian.baptist
Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
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Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 16:13:43 -0600
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 15:11:51 MST
Organization: Cox
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0652-6, 12/01/2006), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
How did the one true Chruch restore her virginity?
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
wrong groups.

Keep this trash in your little romanist cult 'froup, weber.
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 23:32:23 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
How did the one true Chruch restore her virginity?
• By reapeatedly asserting that she did not give birth to Joses, Simon,
Judas, James and the unnamed married sisters - and said persons were
really and truly cousins, or that that were the children from Joe's
previous marriage.

cheers, Duke
2006-12-04 11:50:28 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
there is
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
How did the one true Chruch restore her virginity?
• By reapeatedly asserting that she did not give birth to Joses, Simon,
Judas, James and the unnamed married sisters - and said persons were
really and truly cousins, or that that were the children from Joe's
previous marriage.
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is probably
screaming to this day.
Post by Mike Dundee
cheers, Duke
Cheers, rl.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-04 15:02:36 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't,
there is
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
• The one true Church elected to resore her virginity - most likely early
in the 5th century.
How did the one true Chruch restore her virginity?
• By reapeatedly asserting that she did not give birth to Joses, Simon,
Judas, James and the unnamed married sisters - and said persons were
really and truly cousins, or that that were the children from Joe's
previous marriage.
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is probably
screaming to this day.
• It says there were c. 120 disciples.
2006-12-04 20:16:53 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is probably
screaming to this day.
• It says there were c. 120 disciples.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers

WOW, rl, here we have believers, brothers and Greek brothers all used.

WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said, nowhere's
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 20:36:01 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is probably
screaming to this day.
. It says there were c. 120 disciples.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus-
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
WOW, rl, here we have believers, brothers and Greek brothers all used.
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said, nowhere's
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
Nowhere does it say she remained a virgin.
2006-12-04 22:53:47 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
nowhere's in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
Nowhere does it say she remained a virgin.
That's right, so no decisive conclusion can be drawn one way or the other.
However, the Apostles who knew her never related any other children, so your
point is very unlikely.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Mike Dundee
2006-12-04 23:51:31 UTC
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
nowhere's in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
Nowhere does it say she remained a virgin.
That's right, so no decisive conclusion can be drawn one way or the other.
However, the Apostles who knew her never related any other children, so your
point is very unlikely.
duke, I am not going to keep going around and around with you on this. I
have made my position from Scripture on the prophecy of the virgin birth,
Scripture referring to brothers and sisters and nothing indicating she
remained a virgin.
I'm done.
If you wish to hold her at a level she is not and if you wish to pray to her
instead of God, that's your choice. But don't claim ignorance on Judgement
day because many many people besides me have shown you the truth.

There are none so blind as thoose who will not see.
2006-12-05 00:19:40 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
nowhere's in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
Nowhere does it say she remained a virgin.
That's right, so no decisive conclusion can be drawn one way or the other.
However, the Apostles who knew her never related any other children, so your
point is very unlikely.
duke, I am not going to keep going around and around with you on this. I
have made my position from Scripture on the prophecy of the virgin birth,
Scripture referring to brothers and sisters and nothing indicating she
remained a virgin.
I'm done.
If you wish to hold her at a level she is not and if you wish to pray to her
instead of God, that's your choice. But don't claim ignorance on Judgement
day because many many people besides me have shown you the truth.
There are none so blind as thoose who will not see.
AMEN, Mike. All Earl Weber is doing is trying to bait you.
2006-12-05 11:52:50 UTC
Post by N***@no.spam
Post by Mike Dundee
There are none so blind as thoose who will not see.
AMEN, Mike. All Earl Weber is doing is trying to bait you.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-05 11:51:57 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
nowhere's in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
Nowhere does it say she remained a virgin.
That's right, so no decisive conclusion can be drawn one way or the other.
However, the Apostles who knew her never related any other children, so
your point is very unlikely.
duke, I am not going to keep going around and around with you on this. I
have made my position from Scripture on the prophecy of the virgin birth,
Scripture referring to brothers and sisters and nothing indicating she
remained a virgin.
I'm done.
You were done the first day you tried to redefine scripture.

Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers

Dat's a lot of bro's, yeah - 120.
Post by Mike Dundee
If you wish to hold her at a level she is not and if you wish to pray to her
instead of God, that's your choice. But don't claim ignorance on Judgement
day because many many people besides me have shown you the truth.
Christ showed the Apostles the truth who showed the Popes who showed the Body of
Christ the truth. What's your problem?
Post by Mike Dundee
There are none so blind as thoose who will not see.
That's for sure.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 01:36:42 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is probably
screaming to this day.
• It says there were c. 120 disciples.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
WOW, rl, here we have believers, brothers and Greek brothers all used.
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said, nowhere's
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
• "In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the Holy Church."
-- Fr. Joseph De Harbe, S.J. - page 77, "A Full Catechism of the
Catholic Religion"
2006-12-05 11:53:37 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
Post by duke
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
• "In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the Holy Church."
-- Fr. Joseph De Harbe, S.J. - page 77, "A Full Catechism of the
Catholic Religion"
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:27:00 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
Post by duke
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
• "In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the Holy Church."
-- Fr. Joseph De Harbe, S.J. - page 77, "A Full Catechism of the
Catholic Religion"
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group numbering about
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
2006-12-05 18:36:57 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group
numbering about
Post by duke
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
So much for Mary having other siblings.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-05 12:24:51 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by duke
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is
Post by duke
Post by duke
screaming to this day.
· It says there were c. 120 disciples.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group
numbering about
Post by duke
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus-
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
WOW, rl, here we have believers, brothers and Greek brothers all used.
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
Post by duke
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
· "In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the Holy Church."
-- Fr. Joseph De Harbe, S.J. - page 77, "A Full Catechism of the
Catholic Religion"
As I pointed out once before, you always leave out the last part:
..."for when you believe what the Church teaches, you believe the Word
of God."

After all, it's never a good idea to to stick with the learned and
professionals. We should go against all of these:

In matters of health never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the doctors.

In matters of science never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the scientists.

In matters of law never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the court.

In matters of work never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the boss.

In matters of driving never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the rules of the road.
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:29:22 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by duke
Did you know that Peter has 120 brothers? Acts 1:16. His mother is
Post by duke
Post by duke
screaming to this day.
=B7 It says there were c. 120 disciples.
Acts 1:15-16 (New International Version)
15In those days Peter stood up among the believers[a] (a group
numbering about
Post by duke
a hundred and twenty) 16and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fu=
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concern=
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus-
Acts 1:15 Greek brothers
WOW, rl, here we have believers, brothers and Greek brothers all used.
WOW. so much for Mary having other children. Like I've always said,
Post by duke
in the bible does scripture say "Mary had other children".
=B7 "In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humb=
Post by •R L Measures
submit to the decisions of the Holy Church."
-- Fr. Joseph De Harbe, S.J. - page 77, "A Full Catechism of the
Catholic Religion"
.=2E."for when you believe what the Church teaches, you believe the Word
of God."
** Why do you always leave out the next part?

Post by duke
After all, it's never a good idea to to stick with the learned and
In matters of health never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the doctors.
In matters of science never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the scientists.
In matters of law never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the court.
In matters of work never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the decisions of the boss.
In matters of driving never trust your own judgment, but always humbly
submit to the rules of the road.
2006-12-03 15:55:28 UTC
Xref: sn-us alt.local.village.idiot:3590 alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic:1370393 alt.religion.christian.baptist:918287
Path: sn-us!sn-feed-sjc-04!sn-us!sn-feed-sjc-01!sn-xt-sjc-10!sn-xt-sjc-08!sn-xt-sjc-12!supernews.com!postnews.google.com!news4.google.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!nx01.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!!hwmnpeer03.lga!hwmnpeer01.lga!news.highwinds-media.com!hw-filter.lga!newsfe13.lga.POSTED!53ab2750!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: alt.local.village.idiot,alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic,alt.religion.christian.baptist
Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
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Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 07:39:48 -0600
X-Trace: newsfe13.lga 1165153075 (Sun, 03 Dec 2006 06:37:55 MST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 06:37:55 MST
Organization: Cox
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0652-6, 12/01/2006), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
Post by Mike Dundee
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
She didn't need to. She elected to.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
can the lies, Earl Weber. You're nothing but a mind-controlled
2006-12-03 15:05:04 UTC
Post by Mike Dundee
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Although I wouldn't refer to him as an idiot, you are correct in that he is
The Bible is clear that Jesus had siblings, but even if he didn't, there is
nothing in the prophecy that Mary needed to or would remain a virgin and
nothing in the NT to suggest she did either.
Sorry, Mike- but Earl IS an idiot.

He lies like a rug, falsely accuses, and knows NOTHING of the bible
like he so adamantly claims.

Sorry, but I must speak as I find. He's a well-documented liar, false
accuser, fraudulently trying to pass himself off as a Christian.
2006-12-03 13:37:45 UTC
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a virgin

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 14:05:16 UTC
Post by duke
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a virgin
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
2006-12-03 15:59:23 UTC
Post by duke
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
Post by duke
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Now watch him claim 'they were only cousins'!!!! -- or
'step-brothers.! :O)
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 17:15:50 UTC
Post by N***@no.spam
Post by duke
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
Post by duke
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Now watch him claim 'they were only cousins'!!!! -- or
'step-brothers.! :O)
• There are so many different versions why she didn't do IT that I'm
having trouble keeping count.
2006-12-03 22:15:01 UTC
Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one? And that one left her a virgin.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-03 22:25:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: Mary obeyed God and once married was fruitful and multiplied... with 6 more children... Mk 6:3
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Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one? And that one left her a virgin.
duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Leave the Christian 'froups alone, romanist infidel weber.
Mike Dundee
2006-12-03 22:59:34 UTC
Post by duke
Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
. My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one? And that one left her a virgin.
Not according to Scripture.
•R L Measures
2006-12-03 23:35:54 UTC
Post by duke
Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one?
• Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
• A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
2006-12-04 11:51:21 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one?
• Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
• A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-04 15:09:13 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by The Rock Is Peter
Post by duke
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a
virgin is.
• My guess is that 6-kids probably indicates otherwise.
Who says she had more than one?
• Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
• A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
• Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored. Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
2006-12-04 20:18:34 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Who says she had more than one?
• Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
• A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
• Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be. The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by •R L Measures
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 01:41:41 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Who says she had more than one?
• Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
• A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
• Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
• The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
Post by duke
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by •R L Measures
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
• Like is apparently better than the alternative.

2006-12-05 11:45:27 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
• Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
• The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
• Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Not for Mary.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-05 12:30:39 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
· Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
· The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by duke
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
· Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Not for Mary.
It's as Fr. Mateo once said:
"Many, who deny Mary's perpetual virginity, nevertheless affirm her
virginity before and during Jesus' birth. Yet the Virgin Birth of Jesus
required an astounding miracle, and Mary's lifelong virginity
afterwards required none. To object to the latter doctrine while
admitting the former seems to strain out a gnat while swallowing a
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:40:11 UTC
Post by f***@yahoo.com
Post by duke
Post by duke
=B7 Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
=B7 The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by duke
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
=B7 Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Not for Mary.
"Many, who deny Mary's perpetual virginity, nevertheless affirm her
virginity before and during Jesus' birth. Yet the Virgin Birth of Jesus
required an astounding miracle, and Mary's lifelong virginity
afterwards required none. To object to the latter doctrine while
admitting the former seems to strain out a gnat while swallowing a
** If there was any indication that God did not provide the Blessed
Virgin Mary with a clitoris, a Grafenberg-spot, a normal female sex-drive,
Matthew 1:24-25 and Matthew 13:55 did not exist, perpetual virginity would
be somewhat less unbelieveable.
2006-12-05 18:40:19 UTC
Post by •R L Measures
** If there was any indication that God did not provide the Blessed
Virgin Mary with a clitoris, a Grafenberg-spot, a normal female sex-drive,
Matthew 1:24-25 and Matthew 13:55 did not exist, perpetual virginity would
be somewhat less unbelieveable.
Sorry, bubba, but there is such a thing as a higher calling than a fling in the
back seat.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-05 18:39:16 UTC
Post by f***@yahoo.com
Post by duke
Post by duke
· Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
· The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by duke
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
· Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Not for Mary.
"Many, who deny Mary's perpetual virginity, nevertheless affirm her
virginity before and during Jesus' birth. Yet the Virgin Birth of Jesus
required an astounding miracle, and Mary's lifelong virginity
afterwards required none. To object to the latter doctrine while
admitting the former seems to strain out a gnat while swallowing a
Protest_ants - they are truly a weird bunch, and are playing with
fire by denying the word of God.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2006-12-05 21:46:51 UTC
Post by duke
Protest_ants - they are truly a weird bunch, and are playing with
fire by denying the word of God.
can the lies, romanist -- and keep your romanist CRAP in your little
romanist 'froup.

•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:24:54 UTC
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
• Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
• The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Post by •R L Measures
Post by duke
Post by •R L Measures
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
• Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Not for Mary.
• Papal restorations are hard to get.
2006-12-05 12:28:45 UTC
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
Who says she had more than one?
· Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
· A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
· Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
· The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
Post by duke
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
· Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Despite the increased widespread belief that not having sex is equal to
going without oxygen or food, it isn't even close.
•R L Measures
2006-12-05 16:30:01 UTC
Post by f***@yahoo.com
Post by duke
Post by duke
Post by duke
Who says she had more than one?
=B7 Whoever wrote Luke and whoever wrote Matthew.
Post by duke
And that one left her a virgin.
=B7 A hymen broken during delivery does not mean loss of virginity.
=B7 Amen, Duke. Also, as I understand it, there is a new surgical
procedure where a skin graft from the thigh is moved to the vaginal
vestibule and, after a couple weeks of healing, virginity is virtually
100% restored.
Sorry, rl, can't be.
=B7 The procedure was pioneered in Turkey,
Post by duke
The hymen can be restored, but virginity can't.
Also, this operation can be repeated several times. Have
you ever heard Madonna's "Like a Virgin"?
Nope. And you're right, it's "like".
=B7 Like is apparently better than the alternative.
Despite the increased widespread belief that not having sex is equal to
going without oxygen or food, it isn't even close.
2006-12-03 15:58:44 UTC
Post by duke
Post by N***@no.spam
On 2 Dec 2006 08:14:28 -0800, "The Rock Is NOT Peter"
You've been brainwashed long enough.
Not only do you not understand Chrisitanity, you don't understand what a virgin
oh, you idiot!!!!!!!!!! And that's CHRISTIANITY, not 'Chrisitanity'!
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