Warning - Transformers a Scientology Picture!
(too old to reply)
2007-07-03 21:48:37 UTC
Transformers (a film about the race that hides within things we see
here...like demons) is a Scintology (or Satanism, if you will) film.
Ken Clifton
-author of The Christian Superhero Training Guide
The Rapture was in 2000. Why are *you* still here?
Which reminds me; much like I get a bit of a kick out of reading
Scientology screed, I'm a big fan of the 'Left Behind' type stuff
too (I'm also a Mormon Movie fan).

The 'Left Behind' books as a genre are less than varied and tend to
get into a rut, but, in the first 'Left Behind' *movie* they did a
cute thing with the Rapture.

When the faithful disappeared, their clothes were left in neat,
folded stacks :)

God Is A Woman! In fact; God is 'Big Momma'!!!

You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think
George Peatty
2007-07-03 23:30:11 UTC
Post by Zinj
God Is A Woman! In fact; God is 'Big Momma'!!!
One of the names of God is El Shaddai, normally rendered Almighty God, when
the more appropriate translation is All-Sufficient God. Shad is the Hebrew
word for breast ..
Stealth Tuba
2007-07-04 00:44:59 UTC
It should've been obvious, but I
wasn't thinking. Just think about it...
Okay, too easy.
Transformers (a film about the race that hides within things we see
here...like demons) is a Scintology (or Satanism, if you will) film.
Ken Clifton
-author of The Christian Superhero Training Guide
Sounds like you are a ConstructiCON
Optimus Prime
Har, Optimus Prime, I will Care Bear Stare you!
FNC, until Mr Rogers shows up, at any rate.
The religiwiggy were dissing the Care Bears twenty years ago:


Another group of cuddly and cute cartoon characters are those
adorable Care Bears. One of the popular themes of various Care Bear
programs is self esteem. On the back cover of their "Feeling Good"
video children are instructed" "All hearts on deck...Come aboard
with The Care Bears...Feel good and watch bad thoughts sink while
self-confidence sets sail!"

In II Timothy 3:1-2 we read "that in the last days perilous times
shall come. For me shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,
boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,

The problem, according to Scripture, is not that man does not love
himself or that he lacks self-esteem. The problem is that man loves
himself to much. And here we have toddlers learning "selfism" so
popular in the New Age because that is what The Care Bears are
telling them.

Also, "Media Spotlight" noted: "The Care Bears stare is an intense
concentration through which the Care Bears focus the energy in
their torsos in order to produce a "force" to overcome evil with
which they are confronted on their missions. If this sounds a bit
Eastern and mystical, we needn't be surprised." (34)
2007-07-04 06:14:54 UTC
Post by Zinj
The 'Left Behind' books as a genre are less than varied and tend to
get into a rut, but, in the first 'Left Behind' movie they did a
cute thing with the Rapture.
When the faithful disappeared, their clothes were left in neat,
folded stacks :)
God Is A Woman! In fact; God is 'Big Momma'!!!
I read all of the left behind books. Never mind that I skipped over
the preach parts and the bible verses and stuck to the apocalypse.
Loved the little dudes on horses flying around.
-Gina in Italy

Favorite phrase of the day: Messiah-envy
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