Post by Kadaitcha ManIKYABWAI - you fucking lame cunt.
Ya man, whatever you say, moron.
I note you like to spam support groups, netk0oK.
loading psychic blog
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:15:37]
'Sometimes It Be That Way (Live'
friday night i
stole into town on th
monoshock unicycle
stayed on th roads
i only ran a coupel red lights and
th pigs left me alone
did some wonderin about his
sticker on th back of th uni
a coupel of hours later
he cruised thru th city too
huge sticker on that
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:18:33]
Hunters and Collectors
'The Slab'
i only jumped one traffic island
th tourists
really didnt get to see th beast
in it;s best light
more drugs over here...
scus ei
th left leg
recovered now
fuckin skatebowls and unicycles
th gash under th right foot
at least not affectin unicycle flight
th redhead
asked me down th edge of th island again
i begged off to this weekend comin up
claimed a sore foot
hey she had th kids
still luv ya
told me which
stunning women
would be inhabiting th place
if i came nxt weekend
ok th witchdoctor will come down then
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:22:29]
'Milk (massive attack)'
she;s a patient of mine
my patience dont die
just th bastards i
point th bone of death at
they die nicely
no talk about takin me
too close to th
th crystal healers
this time
sorry womble
i got caught up
bad timing me thinks
did ya see wot they said
in th local rag
about nickie kissin her husband
up on top of kuta
if she's movin to brisbane
i'm definitely leaving
i'd even live with th page three model
still got gorgeous tits
still tryin to decipher our last
phone convo
figure she;s in th same boat
u used to throw bitches at me
oh u are again
are u ?
dont think she knows
cant live with one
she knows it so well
used ot dirty dance togetehr till dawn
and go back t our partners
in th dawns early light
maybe just one night
i'm thinkin i have other plans for friday night
took me
24 hrs
to call th page three model back
fuck i'm a slack cunt
ah yeah gday
oh u got th kids
wont be lonely then
i only saw em last month
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:29:09]
'Territorial Pissings'
ok i was
flexin a few muscles
psychic and otherwise
and th odd meeting
with th local
aboriginal elders
last saturdays
terror cotta roof was
fuckin near tame
didnt break a single tile underfoot
but th young fella
still wouldnt walk down to th bottom tile
nearly flicked me off th roof
holdin th hose man
i only half his weight
u have t
yr life in my hands
one day
u'll wlak down th cunt
just liek we do
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:31:36]
Khia (Remix by Rob Jnr)
'My Neck, My Back (Rob Jnr Rmx)'
u see that chick
he's old enough now
we share more wi im
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:32:14]
'On a Plain'
it's under 33 degrees
not too steep and
not too dirty
washin off easy
three hours
we'll clear th roof
not like a fortnight before
black money
financing the
australian aboriginal secret service
we dont need much
we so black
we have to use black money
to run it
hasnt affected our killcount
mad fucker
aised with th
papua and new guinean witchdcotors
and i
had a huge rave this morning
we're in about six and
well in it
only th natural disasters
appearin th record too
keepin us afloat
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:36:00]
i know this is
my surfin on th unicycle
in th surf song
but um
th pension dept
actually has me down on their books somehwere
as a witchdcotor
with all th attendant problems
my case is on hold
i already got a pension card
cheap car rego
suck my string
they say its
impossible in
johhny howards australia
my new pension card has arrived
and my medicare card
havent replaced th car license
still drivin around all th copcars
have to get all th points back up
to front
"and birth certificate in th car just in case"
hi twin brother
"i'm gunna kill this cunt"
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:40:28]
'skyhooks - why don't you all g'
why dont you all get fucked
is th name of th song
only thing is
i wore a hundrd thousand
in collateral damage
last time i
thru a death curse at im
on th net
i know i;ve recovered
and can do it again it;s
easier when i'm
retaliating with
th white hot rage
so close
liek when we first got indications
of their kuta beach terrrorist attack
we wrote in
a big wave
as retaliation
linked to
so long before it happened
there's one in th record
that hasnt hit
we got
visions of it
six hundred thousand dead
my forever eyes
informing me
well before time
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:44:30]
'Korn - Dead Bodies Everywhere'
yeah man
and i can smell th
rotting brains
sucks bad
its just my karma
17 yrs
workin for th gypsie mafia
as a minder
chasin gypsies
for owed money
still payin for it
would i handle
writn th clues
to big dsiasters
if my
mother hadnt landed me a job
wi th gypsie mafia
on th carnival
nine months before
she copped
five bullets in th face
didnt understand yr gift ma
yr diary
ahd clues to yr own death
litterin it
made shitty reading
after th fact
and i
had to listen to those five bullets goin in
he missed me
ok kuta
600 thousand is
doubel wot i said i was
prepared for
but it'll happen
my biggest kill
so far is
app 230 thousand
mainly cause i
even was writin
for th whoel week before th big wave hit
on th net
i see
a big splash
took some
back thru this tome
to see where i asked for it
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:49:17]
Tears for Fears
'Everybody Wants To Rule The Wo'
my new yrs resolution
spinning some heads
i cant turn back
and liek brad sasys
i jumped th other side of th line
thirty yrs ago
and a consortium of local coppers
asked me to go back
to th underground
th queensland police
no i wont give u their names cunt
we were all off th record
th tape recorders all turned off
my police record so thick frm
when i was workin on th carnival and
my old party house
is in there somewhere
200 ppl a night
playin in th
that was the farm
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:53:30]
'Come As You Are'
evrythin goes
illegal speedway track
it;s ten acres of mayhem
i'm still fuckin alive
its not liek i dont try man
th left leg
only just healed frm
th skatebowl wall accident
on th unicycle
fuckin painted walls
didnt carry a gun
steppin over tent ropes
in th carnival
after she;s closed and
i' still got three gypsies
to find in this mess
not leavin till i'm paid
hi there
nowhere is safe to hide
my reputation
hdina t yr cousins van
th oen ya hate
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 13:57:11]
'Metallica - Master Of Puppets'
in th back of th knockems
and drinkin oen of his beers
yr goey anyway
does he know
i take that back
his daugher laughin and
handine me a beer
thank u beautiful redheaded lady
cunt pulled out a roll
that would choke a horse and
payed in full
gossip time
yr such a girl man
yeah but i admit it
damn he could offload hot coke
his cousin and im
used to compete
u have nothin to do with
my dealings with little pete
th drug deals
had t bring it up
wot is it with this guy ?
he an adopted showie
little pete
three family;s bringin im up
as i see it
i cop it everywhere
nwo look
we're just good mates ok
th little cunt is enterprising
i give im that
give me yr version then
i'll get is story and we talk at th nxt show
hey little dude
th show president
bent my ear last weekend for
a coupel hours
can i have a word
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:07:43]
Butthole Surfers
just this
particular item man
that yr sellin man
remove that and
th cunts will get off our backs
it's all good
it was a long story
wellifhtye didnt buy so much off us
they wouldnt borrow harkos gorilla
compromised as
hired out
i cant tell u that tale brad
he ran away frm it
doesnt wanna know
is how we lived
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:11:00]
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:11:08]
A Perfect Circle
cut away :
evry yr
we lose more shows
th golden age
was a long time ago
with th
amlagamtion of councils
projected by
big pete
we'll lose more
and faster
fuck man they
cancelled their
one hundred yr show
my head swims with
walkint thru th back of th sideshow
after th bitch is closed
steppin over tentropes and
pegs and
we didnt carry torches
not wi th amount of money in yr hands
and on yr body
no lights
th things ya find and
and runnin
thru th tentropes
ya either gotta be born into it or
be psychic yrself
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:16:00]
'Highway To Hell'
acdc jenny
travellin up and down
highway 1
cartin supplies
to th
at this rate
they'll lose th lismore carnival too
stinkin hot
always fuckin rains
that first
cold night of th yr
usually at
sleepin in th back of th truck
half our money collected
we got drunk last night
stayin wi th carnvial
two days
hooked up to a mate;s
power supply and
fuck she fed us
when i eft th run
for good i said
when it came to bundaberg i'd
coem down for a few beers
was hoem for some time
sorry guys
my orginial biek club
spat chips
big ones
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:19:33]
Butthole Surfers
i understand
th banditos
and rebel's
motorcycle club
i still have a sword
made by our
original master at arms but
how long did he ride wi th black uhlans
he rode wi us first
a fuckin surfer
th best graphic tank artist
y mad cunt
th wimps club
had u first
and klepto
this will take some thinking klepto
i remember ya ridin japanese
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:22:59]
wot brand of shitbox we rode
made us no less
oen percenters cunt
and from yr own mouth
when i was vice president of that
bundaberg motorycle club and
half th club rode nortons
includin th pres
th norton is a
boat anchor
and wont start
i'm chairin this meeting
my chair parked ouside cunt
his car battery in his tractor
cane farmers are mad
i told him to
drive his tractor in
he th president of a motorcycle club
i would of
we had words
bad idea
givin th
president of vice
th gavel
while i;ve got th floor
got th wrong dr death
i apologise
th magic says
double jeapordy
bunch of mad aussie cunts say
fuck that
workin on it
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:27:03]
A Perfect Circle
whacked th wrong dr death
didnt get
dr jadyn patel
got dr azahari
bomb maker for uat beach instaed
but beauitful death curse
that one was
dead cunt
kuta religion still smiling
even if
wearin soem angst
hi maureen
i'm workin on it
tryint ofigur eout
how to hit th cunt
not hit india at th same time
if enough aussies
get an opinion on it
i'm fucked
fuckin ozdebate
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:29:40]
Peter Sarstedt
'Where Do You Go To My Lovely'
his name spelt wrong
private jenny
my twin brother a general though
five star
proven lethal
that travel warning on
ont h net
seven days before
her capital
went two thirds underwater
th poor wee psychic
gettin waves from th army boys
fuckin black
wants to go to iraq
mad cunt
ya;d fuckin ride our unicycle
whiel we we were there
got a sniff of
osama bin laden
last week
black and i were
sniffin in london
tryin to read
th guy that owns harrods
we got some
visions i
still processing
he's jumped th border
gettin awful warm in pakistan
and wo
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:34:25]
this cross border region
sp ghard toread
ya climb into some cunts head and
their picture
of where they ar eis
not wot th map fuckin shows
we trackin osama by
his psychic trail
th litle boys
overawed by th man
how far down is backtrail are th cia
"and how fuckin much use would it bee to us"
i'll talk to my contacts in asio black
we ferret out things
i dont believe that oen for a seccond
he not move as often
as th tales say
makes too many waves
but i did get a return
one of my rotten egss
on th internet
found it;s home
th cunt thought about it and
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:38:42]
joe walsh
life's been good to me so far
oh dear
a real psychic killer witchdoctor
large death threats
we'll use th
in yr countries
th natural
a ful week before they happen
in this cunts name
just like we did
in norhtern poaksitans earthquake
an ugly business
only gave one nights notice
when the
oz witchdoctor
pointed the bone of death at
the islamic terrorist cunts
fuck it was a big earthquake hey osama
nearly got ya
so close
yr ppl cant handle it mate
yr religion
theyll have to remove you
they rely on those peasants
if i get another big oen
that;ll be three
biblical hits
i'm carryin
360 thousand
dead souls
in th eyes
plus th oens form my former life
u got me that job mother
stop whinging
i glad about it now
been a long time sinc ei seen
20 ak 47s
hangin loose off
"cunts had em pointed at my head"
mad yugoslav
in titos yugoslavia
weapons training as a child
here fire this
i thought we were dear hunting
wot are my parents raising me to be
my stpefather
escaped this country
with a german luger in is hand
2o odd yrs earlier
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:47:08]
Laurie Anderson
'Big Science'
jumpin th border
wont faze me mate
just inspecting my memory
he took me into th yugoslav forests
and taught me to hunt
and she
got me job
wi th gypsie mafia
runnin down gyspies for money in th showgrounds
th old man
knew wot i did for a living
used to come aroudn th back of th
th shop
we worked out of
every psyhci
who read smy aura
after they get opver th psychci shock
so many deaths
see u dad
still hangin around
no threat to me now just
watchin his adopted son
killed my mother
took time to wear th cunt
still bein by my shoulde rbut
so many psychics over th yrs
would all
stare and point
no he;s there
th real ones just
i watch th shivers
runnin up and down their psines
i knwo a real psychic
when i scare th shit outta one
if they dont
means they;v ehad time to accept it or
they readin magic
backwards and
quoting einstein but
soem of my kills are
fuckin nasty
in th eyes they
look away
nuthin in there man
took th sex change program t put asomethin in there and
i still got my testicles
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:53:34]
The Stranglers
'Golden Brown'
was necessary for balance
but my half brother
regrets nuthin
our upbringing
i didnt liek that my
hunting rifle
was setup for a lefthander
and th arguments wi th old man
it too powerful old man
and then we;d slip into
spark arrestors
cause ya cant buy
these things
stop ya settin fire to th grass
cant sell it as a silencer
some things i
coulednt even tlel th old man
some htigns he couldnt ell me
his bent coppe rmates
told me some stories
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:56:59]
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 14:57:05]
'Metallica - The Four Horsemen'
all i know is
marko was banned from playin soccer for life
from when he played in sydney
wouldnt let me play
when i played centre
five eight
with wests jersey on
rugby league football
th cunt nearly smield but
when i went up a weight division
ya do get to swing th first punch dad but
smalles t guy in th team
i knwo th second rowers
will take revenge
so i throw th first punch
playin dirty int h scrum
i got banned
th old lady pulled me out
i broke one too many bones
why i stopepd tae kwon do
other ppl's bones are weak
not my bones gettin broken
ah well
th old lady
woudlnt talk to me for
weeks man
i was happy playin centre
crazy shit
playin with gusy
thre eyrs older than me and
i get beaten up every week
instead of evry secodn week
wehn th cunts could catch me
my back rowers
were tasked with lookin after my skin
four of theirs tryin to take me out
still yellina t bret to
hand off
on th
i'm ont h groudn with
five guys beatin fuck out of me but
th ball is
still runnin down th lien and
we'll score another trie
really fast wingers
i could never run tht fast
to wrk th edges
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 15:04:21]
City High
my question too psychic diary
kuta lady;s magic is
still gettin stronger every day
we can up th risk factor
not that it was
low to start with
luv ya;s
fuckign HARD
pirate jenny
'the land surfer"
[Song data auto inserted by jenny.exe at 15:05:57]
'Clint Eastwood'