Post by s***@hotmail.comcouldnt sing anything else so she came up with a vid that consists
only of wondering whether those are tits or not
''tease'' i shove it up yonder bum. the 20th century hasnt been bout
witt n heidegger, it's been bout tits n hairy balls
Hi ya'll,
Generally, majorly, corporally & privately, i am loathe to participate
in crossPosted content.
This one has piqued my innerest; i apologise to those whose form
excludes such content.
First i wondered why "Kate" Bush intrigued me. I've followed some of
the U2B links and learned who she is. She's alright, but not marketed
to me; like Tori Amos & the woman who did "Jagged Little Pill", her
demographic likely reaches my daughters.
So then i thought Ah-cha, must be i'm thinking of "Kate Moss".
Drilling down, i found that not to be the case.
Turns out the Kate i'm thinking of is "Kate Wolf". Not to everyOne's
taste, i'm sure.
I wasn't aware of her during her life (ended in 1986); she seems to
have been a Northern California Folkie. I've since come to know &
appreciate her work postMortemly.
Here's an Official webSite maintained by her family:
Note the annual Kate Wolf Festival, often MC'd by Wavy Gravy.
Here's her (brief) Wiki:
Here's a few U2Bs, including first her best known song "Across the
Great Divide", audio only w/ fan visual:
Live 85, "Like a River":
Her "Medicine Wheel"; audio only, fan slideshow:
That said, As to "hairy balls" from the OP: my granma useta say a man
was not a man unless he had at least once shaved his balls with a
straight razor.
Which i have; have you SirBaloney?
That furthur said, i've known a couple of fellows who breed (hunting)
dogs, and who know how properly to use the word "bitch".
That finally said, here's Nanci & Emmylou, AtGD:
What was it you wanted?
don't let the bedBugs bite,
Robert dudley Dickinson