2007-02-03 16:27:09 UTC
"Dirk Van de moortel", a very, very sick bastard who called himself
to reduce this to
x' = sqrt( v0^2 - 2 c (1/x0 - 1/x ) ) which is another 'simple'
differential equation.
Just write it as
dx / sqrt( v0^2 - 2 c (1/x0 - 1/x ) ) = dt
and integrate between t0 and t to find t(x).
Then 'simply' invert to find x(t) ;-)
Dirk Vdm
["Dirk Van de moortel", the self-labeled Kacksacker and
very, very sick bastard]
Dirk, have you no decency at all?. ... Sheesh!
When you step in a dog turd, you scrape the shit from your shoe.x''+(c/x^2)=0 . Solve for x in terms of t.
Assuming x(t0) = x0 and x'(t0) = v0, seehttp://groups.google.com/group/nl.wetenschap/msg/403dead300de9aa3
to reduce this to
x' = sqrt( v0^2 - 2 c (1/x0 - 1/x ) ) which is another 'simple'
differential equation.
Just write it as
dx / sqrt( v0^2 - 2 c (1/x0 - 1/x ) ) = dt
and integrate between t0 and t to find t(x).
Then 'simply' invert to find x(t) ;-)
Dirk Vdm
HAHAHAHA! What a classic!
I gotta keep that one!
I gotta keep that one!
very, very sick bastard]
Yes, keep it with the pictures of your daugther.
Dirk Vdm
[hanson]Dirk Vdm
Dirk, have you no decency at all?. ... Sheesh!
What's the point in being decent to the dog?
Dirk Vdm
Which one is ewe?